How To Get Rid Of Tinnitus Permanently With Natural Treatment? – We use cookies for efficiency. By using our website, you accept our cookie policy. Cookie Settings This article was co-authored by Payam Daneshrad, MD. Dr. Payam Daneshrad is a board certified Otolaryngologist, board qualified Facial Plastic Surgeon, and Owner and Director of Daneshrad Clinic…
Month: June 2023
Delicious Recipes Of Stuffed Peppers
Delicious Recipes Of Stuffed Peppers – I have a new twist on one of my favorite household items these days: Italian Seasoned Peppers. Filled with a delicious mix of chicken or turkey, Italian herbs and cheese, and all the grains of your choice, each pepper is filled with a healthy, nutritious dinner. Every time I…
Workout-for-a-perfect-six-pack-ab – Men generally like to approach cardio and fitness like church and state (ie separately). But combining them is the key to a real fast body transformation and a solid six pack. “By combining these two areas of training, each exercise will do double the work,” says BJ Gadur, strength coach and body transformation…
Can-i-get-high-on-aspirin – Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is a drug used to reduce pain1, 2 or fever.3 It is defined as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). While some studies have shown that aspirin may reduce the risk of heart disease and colon, stomach and esophageal cancer; experts still recommend that doctors use caution when using aspirin as…
5 Best Tips For Treating Neck, Shoulder And Back Pain
5 Best Tips For Treating Neck, Shoulder And Back Pain – Working at a computer all day can lead to tight muscles that limit the range of motion in the neck. Chad Springer / Getty Images / Image source Stiff neck? The area above your shoulders is one of the most common areas of tension,…